The Chris Power SuperEnduro – here now at Maramarua.

Posted: Fri 06 Dec 2013

The course, designed and built by Chris Power and friends, will be open every trail ride day held at the Honda Motorcycle Park, Maramarua. As a bonus, when Chris is down doing coaching or training you can donate a few pesos to the track fund and join him on the course. Keep an eye on Chris’s FB page. Keep an eye on Chris’s FB page to see when he will be at Maramarua busting the course or even book a coaching session if you are keen to get ahead. Chris also has his service called Ready To Ride where he services and sets up your bike. Well worth the cost if you (a)don’t know what to do or (b)don’t have the time.

Contact Chris at:

Follow the link below to see Chris doing two Hot Laps of the nearly completed course.

Remember folks, there is a SuperEnduro race on Sunday 26th January at Maramarua – everyone can enter.