Rusty Nuts at it again

Posted: Thu 19 Oct 2000

After last years cancellation of the New Century Run, due to possible heavy traffic problems on the East Cape Road and other concerns we have had heaps of requests to revist the idea

So with the request ringing in our ears here you go. You asked for it you\'re going to get it.

According to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich London, the place that all time is taken from comes this statement on their homepage \"2000 is the Millennium year, the new millennium officially starts on 1 Jan 2001\". You can check this out for your self at

So here we go with a TRUE MILLENNIUM RUN to start at East Cape Sunday 31st December 2000 with a BBQ Dinner.No Bikes to start before official sundown. The run finishes on 1st Jan 2001 at Te Araroa East Cape with a BBq Breakfast. ( Breakfast will be available from sunrise)

Entry fee of $60.00 includes a special badge and the two meals also the 1st beer at the Breakfast. No alcohol at the dinner as entrants will be riding shortly afterwards.

More Details RNMC Ph/Fax 09 4165866 OR P.O.Box 12608 Penrose Auckland or email