Rusty Nuts 1000 Mile/24 Hour Grand Challenge notes.

Posted: Tue 17 Oct 2000

The weekend of 14-15th of October saw the 14th running of the Grand Challenge. The 77 entrants were whittled to 61 starters on the day. This was further reduced to 57 finishers on the morning of the 15th.

The finishers included a scooter, an Aprilia Leonardo ridden by Annette Neugebauer, Nettie had attempted the run in \'98 when she completed the event but was 35 minutes outside the 24 hours. An attempt in \'99 was spoiled by a broken CDI unit.

This was to be her year and conditions were totally favourable the scooter went perfectly and Nettie was one happy lady at the end of the run. Her mission over the last 3 years has been to get a scooter home inside the 24 hours, now that is done she is still coming back in \'01 to see if it can be repeated.

On the motorcycle side only one mechanical breakdown, one pulled our tired, one pulled out when he just could not get into the swing of it, and the Rotorua checkpoint crew withdrew one when his tyre was below spec.

The route again covered a good chunk of the middle and lower North Island.

There was only one \"get off\" and the rider was up an running again in minutes with minimal damage and no injuries.

The weather was great with nearly a full moon, no rain, and the only real cold patch overnight in the Bennydale area.

RNMC thanks all riders who took part, in the most trouble free event ever. We look forward to seeing you, and maybe some of your friends next year for the 15th running of this event, and the anniversary special extended run of 1500 miles in 36 hours (open to any rider who has in the past completed a 1000-mile event).