Edward's goes hunting. Slight Advantage to Kiwi....

Posted: Fri 08 Sep 2000

Colin Edwards is after two wins in Germany at the Oscherleben track to seal his world championship bid. He won the first race last week but slipped to 5th in race 2.

Edwards was quoted as saying \"This is a new circuit for us, but I am confident the VTR machine [RC51] will adapt pretty quickly as it has done with most of the circuits this year, The track has some very tight corners, but it is a little similar to Albacete in Spain and I have always gone well there and I reckon I can do well here too.\"

Castrol Honda\'s other rider Kiwi Aaron Slight got his best result last week with a 5th in race one and fourth in race two, is as always looking optimistic. HE does have an advantage in that he knows this track better than most other riders.

\"I tested here with the Castrol Honda team in 1997 with the old RC45 machine so I have had some track experience which will obviously help with the set up this weekend,\" says Slight. \"At least I donĀ¹t have to learn the circuit like most other riders will.\"

This is a new track in the Superbike circuit and is 2.27 miles long.

My two bobs worth: Slight must get a least as good a showing if not better than last week as it is rumored that Tadayuki Okada. currently with Repsol Honda in the 500GP series is rumored to be moving to Superbikes in 2001. If Edwards keeps his point lead and wins the world championship it won\'t be his seat that is vacant.