Whitelock Racing Try's Hard At Taupo

Posted: Tue 29 Aug 2000

Taupo Sunday 27th August, and Taupo does it again turned on a great day weather wise and I couldn\'t believe it (How they could change a layout of a track so dramatically in a week.)

Our Junior team members all had a great day, and some very respectable finishes.....

Mathew Davidson had a 4th / 5th / 6th place finishes which was a great effort as all the top juniors were there. (Good Onya Matt)

Daniel Jack debuted for the team and also went up a grade he joined the 13 - 16 year olds for the first time and he didn\'t look out of place in the grade. (Welcome to the team Dan, and good to see you out there!)

Nikki Scott had a great day 9th / 10th / 10th and is enjoying her racing, David is comming along and placed 15th / 15th / 15th (Good onya Dave)

Adrian Billington (aka Travis Pastrana Wanna Be) blew a head gasket on his CR125 in the second race, and then borrowed a YZ250 for the third race and on the stepup to the table top tried a SUPERMAN SEAT GRAB and failed both Adrian and the YZ hit the big imovable object, namely the earth hard splitting the radiator on the YZ and Adrians pride took a hiding. (\"Keep watching xtreme games vids Adrian for more pointers\")

Carla Billington had a good day on her YZ125, and in her own words my flying is much better, but my landings have a lot to be desired. (Go Supergirl)

My first two races were awful, crashed with quads twice in each race! (In my apinion quads and two wheelers should never be in the same race, \"But that\'s another story\") my last race of the day was quite enjoyable.

Well that\'s it for this update, and the whole team will be at Taikorea on Sunday for the first round of the MOMCC champs, I look forward to seeing you there!