Whitelock Racing Update

Posted: Mon 21 Aug 2000

What an incredible weekend, Carla, Nikki and I were in Taupo for the National Women\'s and Veterans Motor X Championships. And David, Adam, Matt, James and Brad were at the Round 5 of the Spectro Series at Hawke\'s Bay. (Special thankyou to Adam and Alison for looking after David)

Taupo what an incredible weekend, Saturday it was raining, competition was fierce and Nikki was up on her Whitelock Motorcycles YZ80 and it did her proud with her finishing 13th/11th/12th which was really cool considering they were 16 of the top riders in the country. Sunday Taupo put on a windy sunny day and what a track with all the rain they had, the track was excellent and Nikki showed her true colours with an 8th place finish and in her next moto was sitting 7th when she crashed over her handlebars in front of the crowd, she got up in last place after all the bikes had gone then fought her way back to 10th place, giving her a 10th place over all. ( A special thankyou to Tania Satchwell, for taking the time to talk to Nikki and the other young girls, who are out there doing Motor X, your thoughts and time was very much appreciated, you are a great ambassador for our sport.)

(National Junior Womens ranking, Nikki Scott 10)

Carla Billington was next up with Mini-Tankers, on site Diesel Refuelling sponsored Whitelock Motorcycles YZ125, and on Saturday she finished 15th/15th/12th and on Sunday Carla placed 9th and 13th which was an incredible display as Carla has only been on a Motor X bike for 8 weeks and her field was world class, as Tania Satchwell ranked number 2 in the world and Jamie-Lee Caldwell, the two best senior women in New Zealand Motor X.

(National Senior Womens ranking, Carla Billington 13)

I was next up on my new Whitelock Motorcycle YZ426F, and I learned very quickly I was out there playing with the big boys, there were 40 bikes in my field and the top 10 riders were still professional paid riders \"What a learning experience\", I got a good start in the first race and was running mid field when I got tangled up with a KX250 at the bottom of a jump the next thing I knew I was down then another bike came over the jump and landed on me, right across my back (\"That hurt\") I started to get myself together again, and was picking up my bike when another bike came over the jump and tee-boned my bike, puting me on my backside again and I went from mid field to last in the matter of a minute and I finished 40th. The next race was a new start and I placed 32nd and on Sunday it was great racing albeit, I was very stiff and sore I had a 30th/33rd/33rd finishing up 33rd overall.

(National 35-39 Veteran Men ranking, Barry Scott 33)

A special thankyou to Taupo Motor X for great event!

Round 5 of the Spectro Series was held in the Hawkes Bay, the weather was windy and overcast, with some sunny patches, I understood from my team mates that the track was a good lay-out and some big stones but overall OK.

Matt Davidson had a good overall meeting, and in his Dads words \"we will forget the first race\", Matt came to terms with the track and put on a couple of inpressive 2nd place finishes. (Good on ya Matt) Keep an eye out for Matt as he is one of the big up and comers in the junior ranks, and we are proud to have him in our team.

Daid Scott had a couple of crashes and come to terms with the track at this point \"I wish to thank Brian and Carmen Davidson and Gail and Bob Robinson for the T.L.C they bestowed on David after his crashes.\" David placed 19th/22nd/16th for the day.

Adam Stodart had a good meeting by all accounts he had some good races, he had 10th/12th/14th and in the last race he was in 12th place approaching the finish line, and as I understand it he was competing fiercely up the last jump against a YZ426F and had a close call with the lap scorers caravan, Adam being wise decided to take out a marker instead of hitting a caravan and by the time he had re-entered at the point he left the track he was 14th.

Brad Thoreson had a great day finishing 3rd/11th and 6th, \"Good onya Brad\".

James McKay is returning to the sport and was out there participating. In James own words \"much needed practice\"

\"Well thats it for this weekend, we will be at Taupo next weekend, I look forward to seeing you all there.\"