Auckland MCC Racing Scholarship

Posted: Sat 12 Aug 2000

1.The Auckland Motorcycle Club (AMCC) is inviting eligible club members to apply for the AMCC Castrol Oils Road Racing Scholarship for the 2000/2001 season.
2.The aim of the scholarship is to assist promising riders by reimbursing receipted expenses to the value of $2000, after competing in agreed events. Castrol products, to an agreed value, will also be available to the scholarship recipient. It is expected that these factors will allow the recipient to plan a more extensive or higher profile racing season.
3.Applications indicating that the rider will compete in a wider scope or number of events than he or she has previously will be favoured i.e.a newcomer to National Championship events, competition in South Island events, competing in an Australian event, etc.
4.The scholarship will be available to a rider competing in one or more of the following classes:
b.Open Sport Production
c.600 Sport Production
d.FII (250 GP machines only)
Applications will be considered from riders not planning on competing in the above classes.
5.The successful applicant must be able to show previous competition in at least three road race events, and will have been a full (senior, junior or family) AMCC member for at least one year.
6.The scholarship will run 01 October 2000 until 30 September 2001.
Recipients Responsibilities.
7.The scholarship recipient will be expected to provide a brief written summary of their preparation, planning and participation in the agreed events. Receipts will be required for all expenses claimed. Some restrictions will apply.
8.Applications should be made in writing and be forwarded to the AMCC President by 8:00 pm 14th September 2000. Applications will be considered at the AMCC Executive Committee meeting on 19 September. All applicants will be notified of the outcome by 22 September 2000.
9.Applications should include previous racing experience, machine types raced, any notable results (or crashes!), circuits raced at, aims for the 2000/2001 season, any biographical details considered appropriate, and recent photo.
Additional Information.
10.Additional information may be obtained from:
Alistair Wiltonph: (09) 575 1637 (a/h),
Fax: c/- AMCC (09) 579 3106 or