FIM Press release - New doping rules and controls

Posted: Wed 26 Jul 2000

According to a press release issued today by the FIM, the federation is now conducting its drug testing outside of its events and have visited riders at home to give the tests.

The release stated the following: \"Beside the doping controls carried out during World Championship events, the FIM is also carrying out as from this season unannounced doping controls at any time during the year, at the rider\'s training camp, track, accommodation, home or any other place where the rider is likely to be found. As an IOC-recognised Federation, the FIM is complying with the requirements of the International Olympic Committee also concerning out-of-competition doping controls.\"

According to the FIM, out-of-competition doping controls were carried out at the beginning of July. All the samples tested showed the absence of any banned substances. The riders tested were Joel Smets (BEL, MX 500), Mickael Pichon (FRA, MX 250) and Grant Langston (RSA, MX 125), all current leaders of their respective championships