Aaron Slight helps SIDS charity

Posted: Mon 24 Jul 2000

Kiwi superbike ace Aaron Slight, while recovering from brain surgery, has raised $3,000 for the Cot Death Association.

Slight fans worldwide bid for items of the star\'s racing gear via the internet, with all proceeds going to the charity in New Zealand.

The Dutch auction was begun early this year among members of Slight Advantage, his international supporter organisation, but was interrupted by the burst blood vessel in the 34-year-old\'s brain.

\"We were distracted for a while, but I\'m delighted the auction has helped the Cot Death Association in some small way,\" said Slight from Europe where he is between events on the world superbike championship calendar. \"This is a very worthwhile cause.\"

Slight says he has been a supporter of the Cot Death Association (also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS) since the family of his close friend Robbie Phillis, an Australian former world superbike star, was hit by the tragedy several years ago.

\"The effect on Robbie\'s family has been devastating, and my wife Megan and I feel a strong empathy. This is just one small thing we can do to help.\"

\"I know people value racing mementoes - we get requests from all around the world - and members of Slight Advantage in particular are big fans, so an auction of some of my racing gear with all the proceeds going to the organisation seemed the best of both worlds.\"

The highest price paid was US$500, about NZ$1,000, for a pair of his racing gloves from last season.

\"A lady from England even put in a bid for a pair of my underpants, which wasn\'t on the list. Megan vetoed that.\"