Rees Looks to the Future

Posted: Sun 18 Jun 2000

With the Australian Formula Xtreme Series drawing to a close and having pulled out of the Suzuka 8-Hour Endurance Race, Kawerau’s Tony Rees is now looking to the upcoming New Zealand Season.

The Australian Team, with which Rees was considering riding in the 8Hour, couldn’t guarantee him a ride. Until recently everything had been “all go”, but then Rees learned the Team had drafted another rider and had dropped him to “reserve”.
“I think, they were just going to use me to qualify and there was no guarantee, I was going to ride in the race.” said Rees.

Plans for the up coming New Zealand season are still up in the air.
The season is a long one, beginning October and finishing in April. It has several distinct parts, the Endurance Championship in October, Formula Xtreme at the LK 500 in November and The Battle of the Streets, along with the MNZ Championship Series itself.

Rees is considering which classes to contest this year and cost will be a big controlling fact. Without major sponsorship, Rees will probably only run in one class.

“I’d like to bring home, the R1 we’re using in Australia for Formula Xtreme and run it in the Superbike Class.” said Rees.