Corser takes Superpole - Edwards falls

Posted: Sun 18 Jun 2000

Aprilia\'s Troy Corser has pole for the start of the World Superbike race at Misano tonight, he set fastest time of 1.34.906. Second fastest was Haga (Yamaha) 3rd was Fujiwara (Suzuki) and filling out the front row Borja (Ducati) finally managing to get in front of Bostrom.

Corser\'s time of 1:34.906, also allowed him to deliver on his promise to get into the 1:34 bracket although he was the only rider to do so over the whole weekend.

“My Superpole lap was pretty perfect.” said the delighted Australian. “I actually approached it the same way as normal which is to be smooth and just concentrate on getting the lines right. I had already seen Frankie Chili and then Colin Edwards crash so I was doubly wary of making a mistake. I’m really looking forward to the races tomorrow because I did a lot of very consistent fast laps in the mid-1:36 bracket while most of the others were doing high 36s. I have to get a good start from pole and then see how the race develops.”

Corser’s team mate, Alessandro Antonello, repeated his regular qualifying performance of tenth during the Superpole lap, but knows that there is more to come from both him and his machine.

Bostrom will be starting from 14th place in the 3rd row

But the big disappointment was for Colin Edwards on his Honda, who fell in Superpole and will start from 15th on the grid. Edwards, who has had pole for the last four races has blown a bonus for the rider who managed 6 superpoles in succession. That\'s 200,000 pounds the promoters keep hold of at the moment.

Edward\'s was quoted as saying \"I\'m really disappointed. I think the track was getting more and more slippy as the afternoon went on and the heat increased, but it was a silly little crash at a slow corner.\"

Edwards is not one to give up and added, \"We made a mistake with some settings on Friday but got that right today. I\'m sure, even from 15th place on the grid I can get up there and stand a chance of winning tomorrow.

Edwards has along side him Chilli, who also fell in Superpole and will start at 16.

Neither Edwards or Chilli are carrying any injuries from the crashes.

Slight picked up eighth place, dropping one place from qualifying

\"It was really hard out there, \"admitted Slight. \"The heat got up and I was sliding about quite a bit. After the two days here I\'ll take a second row start. We\'ve got the VTR going well and we\'re pretty happy with the race set-up.\"

Slight added: I\'d really like to push for a rostrum finish here tomorrow and the way the grid\'s looking after Superpole I\'d say anything is possible.\"


1. Troy Corser (1:34.906), Aprilia

2. Noriyuki Haga (1:35.217), Yamaha

3. Katsuauki Fujiwara (1:35.363), Suzuki

4. Juan Borja (1:35.496), Ducati

5. Akira Yanagawa (1:35.544), Kawasaki

6. Troy Bayliss (1:35.758), Ducati

7. Peter Goddard (1:35.976), Kawasaki

9. Robert Ulm (1:36.226), Ducati

10. Alessandro Antonello (1:36.497), Aprilia