Coppins a TV star

Posted: Fri 16 Jun 2000

The world championship exploits of young motocross sensation Josh Coppins are attracting more attention in New Zealand.

A film crew from his homeland has been in Europe capturing the Motueka-born 23-year-old as he raced to fourth spot in the Belgian 250 grand prix at Spa Francorchamps.

Fronted by Kerre Woodham, the documentary is to play on TV2 later this year.

\"It was great having the crew here,\" said Coppins from Europe where he is holding a fine fourth spot in the title chase, in just his first year as a factory rider on the top-ranked Suzuki Corona.

\"They followed me through the whole weekend, which was quite an experience.

\"I had some problems early on and I was down as low as 17th in practice ... but it was a good chance to see the Suzuki team in action as we got up the rankings.\"

The crew followed the talented young Kiwi expat racer through his training and fitness techniques and working with his Oamaru-born mechanic Blair Selfe through practice, qualifying and his two moto races.

They also saw Coppins in action as a personality as his team\'s backers Alstare and Corona Extra beer swung into full gear at the Suzuki equipe\'s home grand prix.

The mature young professional racer says the crew was no hindrance to his legendary concentration, even in the tougher moments.

\"I had a couple of crashes and one of them cut my knee quite deeply; the camera was right there as I was getting it stitched.

\"They wanted to film my massage after practice and talk to my trainer Yves Demeulemeester who\'s quite famous in world motocross.

\"The whole thing was quite a motivation really,\" said Coppins who has been in and around Europe for five years on the world championship trail.

\"It can be tough when you\'re so far from New Zealand and you wonder if anyone is really interested.\"