Haga Saga dragging on - but he races Misano

Posted: Fri 16 Jun 2000

Yamaha\'s appeal on behalf of Noriyuki Haga goes to the FIM today.It will be decided then if the FIM will deal with it internally or if it will go to a higher power such as a court.

Due to time constraints this means that Haga will ride at Misano on Sunday night (NZ time).Lee\'s Note: Races are back on Sky1 not the digital service - could this be anything to do with the number of complaints received by Sky - I hope so.

As this sorry mess drags on and on, Yamaha says it must be resolved by the end of the season or there is the possibility \" The sport may be left without a world champion until the matter is concluded.”

Comment: While this is dragging on it must have an effect on all the riders and Haga in particular, It is the interests of the sport as a whole to get this sorted out, every time drugs is mentioned in connection with the sport it turns more people away from the sport. It is up to the FIM who set the rules to do so fairly, something they have not done in this case so far. Come on FIM get your act together and do so quickly and once and for all, inside the rules of your own rule book.