Catalunya 500GP results

Posted: Mon 12 Jun 2000

Raining again in Spain when the grid formed up. Most riders on full wets, but a couple on intermediates hoping the rain will clear quickly.

At the green, Capirossi got away first with Roberts on his tail. Roberts did not waste any time in taking the lead and before the first lap ended was pulling out a gap on Capirossi, Checa, Abe, Barros, and Rossi.

Checa, moves to second spot , then back to third as Abe cuts underneath him, Barros follows but Roberts continues to pull away. Starting his second lap he is 4.5 seconds ahead, and looking real smooth and confidant The following group is made up of Abe, Checa, and Barros, Gibernau, and Capirossi.

Checa gets past Abe, with Barros in tow Abe is pushed back to fourth! Barros then passes Checa, and then Checa loses the rear end and highsides in majestic fashion sliding into the kitty litter.

The rains next victims are Gibernau, and further back in the field McWilliams . Now it is Roberts, with around a 5 second lead, Barros second Abe third.

Barros closes steadily on Roberts and starts to apply pressure as the track starts to slowly dry out. On lap fourteen Barros slips past Roberts and takes the lead, further back in the field, Criville comes to grief at the same spot Checa did.

Barros is going well, Roberts chasing, then Barros pulls to the side of the track slowing quickly (electrical problems), Roberts goes back into the lead . This leaves Abe in second, but along way back. The interest switches to 3rd & 4th places. Filled by Rossi and Aoki. Biaggi is slowly gaining on Capirossi for fifth.

The track is still damp and a couple of the minor riders have falls.

Abe has had a go at catching Roberts but sensibly settles in for 2nd place points. Roberts looks smooth out in front.

Aoki and Rossi are still going hard at it for third. Biaggi & Capirossi fought for 5th. McCoy takes a tumble but remounts to finish however Roberts had already lapped him. Wrong tyre choice Garry, one of the few who chose intermediates.

Aoki takes a huge slide on his rapidly disintegrating tyres and Rossi takes the advantage to steal third.

That\'s how they remained to the flag Roberts, Abe, Rossi, Aoki.