BMW, VGC, one owner, only 1,000,000 miles

Posted: Fri 19 May 2000

NEXT time you\'re cleaning the flies off your visor or moaning about mud on the road, spare a thought for American adventurer Dr Gregory W Frazier. He\'s just returned home after riding around the world - twice!

Frazier didn\'t let a little thing like a river stop him

During his epic million-mile, 12-year journey, the fearless BMW GS rider has been robbed at gunpoint in Mexico, mugged while unconscious after a crash in Brazil, jailed in Honduras, dodged herds of elephants while riding alone in the jungle and forced to evade dogs, snakes, hawks and even bulls at up to 70mph.

He said: \"About the only thing I haven\'t hit is a fish, but if they could walk, I\'m sure I\'d have taken one out!\"

The trek made him the first American to circle the globe both west to east and north to south.

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