Coppins Fifth In Team Debut

Posted: Mon 20 Mar 2000

Stand back New Zealand - we have a new young motorcycle champion on the rise.

In his first race for the top-ranked Suzuki factory team, Motueka\'s Josh Coppins grab fifth place in the hard-fought 250 world motocross championship in Spain today.

Coppins, 7th in the world last year with limited factory support, was also 5th in today\'s second moto leg when a crash ended his chances.

\"It was just a small slip, but while I was down four other bikes landed on top of my Suzuki and that was the end of it,\" commented the man they call Lizard.

Coppins, 23 a week ago, was unhurt in the spill at Talavera and now heads to Portugal for next weekend\'s second of 16 rounds in the title chase.

Now a European-based expat, Coppins is starting his seventh season in world 250 - recognised as the toughest class in the gruelling sport of international motocross with its two 40-minute legs at each round across 14 nations as far afield as Brazil.

After working his way up from 41st in his first season, he has been recognised by the ultra-competitive Suzuki outfit run by Belgian-based former world great Sylvain Geboers.

\"I\'m disappointed my first grand prix of the year ended with a dnf (did not finish),\" said the determined young racer.

\"But it was simply a racing incident and there\'s plenty more racing to come this year.\"

\"I\'m happy with my fifth in the first moto, that\'s a good start and I know I can improve.\"

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