Messages Of Support For Slight

Posted: Fri 18 Feb 2000

Among hundreds of messages reaching Aaron Slight from around the world are a couple which will have special significance as he faces brain surgery in Sydney today.

They come from the heart of the Ducati camp, Slight\'s arch-rival over the past seven years and the machine he had vowed to beat on equal machinery this year.

The worldwide president and CEO of Ducati, Federico Minoli sent this fax from Italy:

I personally wanted to express my sincere best wishes to you and your family at this time: and I\'m sure the whole factory will join me in praying for a Godspeed recovery. We will all be thinking of you.

From the UK comes a similar message from Slight\'s nemesis and former teammate, four-times world champion Carl Fogarty and his wife Michaela.

Among others is one from premiership footballer Colin Cooper and his family.

Hundreds of messages are pouring in to Slight\'s New Zealand base and his Castrol Honda team headquarters in England.

New Zealand fans can send messages of support to Slight Advantage, fax (03) 365 4466, email