Anaheim Supercross Commentary

Posted: Thu 13 Jan 2000

Heat #1 250cc

Line Up; Ezra Lusk (#11) HONDA Mike LaRocco (#5) Damon Huffman (#20) KAW Kevin Windham (#14) John Dowd (#16) David Vuillemin (#934) Jean-Sebastien Roy (#31) Tyler Evans (#45) Takeshi Koikeda (#39) Michael Brandes (#27) Derrick Shae Bentley (#104) Brock Sellards (#18) HON Stephane Roncada (#26) SUZ Erik Anderson (#646) Kyle Lewis (#112) Carter Gurnee (#446) Matthew D. Bateman (#550) Adam Land (#485) Kelly Smith (#41) Ty Kady (#358)

The gates drop. And it is Kevin Windham winning the holeshot. Followed by Huffman, Dowd, Sellards, and Roncada. Windham is on the gas pulling out a four second lead before the first lap is over. Dowd, Sellards, and Roncada are wheel to wheel as they fight for qualifying positions. Meanwhile LaRocco is working his way up from a poor start in sixth place. Windham is gone with five seconds over Huffman and five seconds between third place Sellards. LaRocco has worked his way into fourth place. Way back in the pack is the French rider David Vuillimen riding in ninth place. Dowd has dropped out of qualifying position falling back to sixth place. LaRocco has worked his way into third place and is catching Damon Huffman fast. With one lap to go, Windham has pulled out a 12 second lead over second place rider LaRocco. Third place Huffman appears to be getting tired as Sellards and Roncada are knocking at the back door. Final positions Windham, LaRocco, Huffman, Sellards, and Roncada.

Heat #2 250cc

Line up; Jeremy McGrath (#1) YAM Larry Ward (#10) SUZ Tim Ferry (#15) Greg Albertyn (#7) SUZ Sebastien Tortelli (#21) HON Kyle Lewis (#112) Ricky Carmichael (#4) KAW Heath Voss (#33) Phil Lawrence (#50) James Povolny Jr. (#62) Grayson Goodman (#65) SHAYNE KING (#110) Billy M. Binckley (#94) Jason Dubin (#337) Zeb Armstrong (#310) Dustin A. Nelson (#180) Dennis J. Umphres (#971) Todd T. Downs (#817) David Demangos (#124) Bruno LeBlanc (#960)

The gates drop and it is McGrath gets the hole shot with a huge first turn pile-up. Following McGrath is Ward and Ferry. There is a rider down who appears to be hurt. Dustin Nelson crashed over the triple jump. Involved in the first turn pile up are Albertyn, Button, Povolny. Out front it is McGrath followed by Ward, Ferry, and Carmichael-in fourth. Ferry has now passed Ward for second place. Carmichael is ten seconds back in fourth place. Gaining on Carmichael is Sebastien Tortelli followed by Heath Voss and Phil Lawrence. As expected McGrath is dominating this heat race with 8 seconds over Ferry. Greg Albertyn continues to struggle almost crashing a second time. The white flag is out and it is all McGrath for this heat. Followed by Ferry, Ward, Carmichael and Tortelli.

Results: Jeremy McGrath (#1) YAM Tim Ferry (#15) Larry Ward (#10) SUZ Ricky Carmichael (#4) KAW Sebastien Tortelli (#21) HON Heath Voss (#33) Phil Lawrence (#50) Greg Albertyn (#7) SUZ Grayson Goodman (#65) SHAYNE KING (#110) James Povolny Jr. (#62) Billy M. Binckley (#94) Jimmy Buttons (#12) YAM Zeb Armstrong (#310) Dennis J. Umphres (#971) David Demangos (#124) Todd T. Downs (#817) Bruno Le Blanc (#960) Jason Dubin (#337) Dustin Nelson (#180)

250 Semi-Finals #1:

Stephane Roncada (#26) SUZ John Dowd (#16) David Vuillemin (#934) Derrick Shae Bentley (#104) Michael Brandes (#27) Kelly Smith (#41) Tyler Evans (#45) Jean-Sebastien Roy (#31) Erik Anderson (#646) Carter Gurnee (#446) Adam Land (#485) Takeshi Koikeda (#39) Ty Kady (#358) Kyle Lewis (#112) Matthew D. Bateman (#550) Ezra Lusk (#11) HON

The gates drop and Vuillimen wins the hole shot. Followed by Dowd, Roy, Sellards, Evans, and Perolio. Sellards passes Roy in the whoops to take over third place. Roy tries to fight back and loses ground instead. Evans takes advantage of Roy mistake and passes him for fourth. Semi number one leader Vuillimen begins to pull away from the pack with a five second lead over Dowd in second place. Checkered flag flies and it is Vuillimen, Dowd, Sellards, Roncada, and Evans.

Results: David Vuillemin (#934) John Dowd (#16) Michael Brandes (#27) Stephane Roncada (#26) SUZ Tyler Evans (#45) Jean-Sebastien Roy (#31) Kelly Smith (#41) Derrick Shae Bentley (#104) Erik Anderson (#646) Carter Gurnee (#446) Adam Land (#485) Ty Kady (#358) Matthew D. Bateman (#550) Kyle Lewis (#112) Takeshi Koikeda (#39) Ezra Lusk (#11) HON

250 Semi-Finals Heat #2

Line Up: Sebastien Tortelli (#21) HON Heath Voss (#33) Phil Lawrence (#50) Greg Albertyn (#7) SUZ Grayson Goodman (#65) Shayne King (#110) James Povolny Jr. (#62) Billy M. Binckley (#94) Jimmy Buttons (#12) YAM Zeb Armstrong (#310) Dennis J. Umphres (#971) David Demangos (#124) Todd T. Downs (#817) Bruno Le Blanc (#960) Jason Dubin (#337) Dustin A. Nelson (#180)

Grayson Goodman gets the holeshot followed by Albertyn, Tortelli, Povolny, and Button. Button quickly passes Povolny and Goodman does not last long out front as Albertyn, Tortelli, and Button run away. Albertyn comes out on top as Tortelli and a hardcharging Button pulls within three seconds. Button goes down for the second time in the exact same spot. Tortelli comes on hard almost landing on Albertyn. Checkered flag is dropped and Albertyn, Tortelli, Button, Lawrence, and Goodman come out up front.

250 Last Chance Qualifier

Line up: Line Up Jean-Sebastien Roy (#31) SHAYNE KING (#110) Kelly Smith (#41) Derrick Shae Bentley (#104) Heath Voss (#33) James Povolny Jr. (#62) Erik Anderson (#646) Billy M. Binckley (#94) Carter Gurnee (#446) Zeb Armstrong (#310) Adam Land (#485) Dennis J. Umphres (#971) Ty Kady (#358) Jason Dubin (#337) Matthew D. Bateman (#550) Todd T. Downs (#817) Kyle Lewis (#112) Bruno Le Blanc (#960) Takeshi Koikeda (#39) David Demangos (#124) Ezra Lusk (#11) HON

Roy get the hole shot follwed by Lewis, Polvony, Anderson, and Voss. Voss psses Anderson just before the triples for fourth place. Polvony struggles in the whoops as Voss easily passes for third. Meanwhile, Roy pulls out a five second lead over Lewis. The pressure is on Voss who has to pass Lewis to make it into the main. Something is wrong with Lewis, as Voss gets by without a fight. So it\'s Roy and Voss going to the main. While eveyone else has to watch...

250 LCQ Results: Jean-Sebastien Roy (#31) Heath Voss (#33) Shaun J. Perolio (#104) James Povolny Jr. (#62) Kyle Lewis (#112) Erik Anderson (#646) Billy M. Binckley (#94) Kelly Smith (#41) Todd T. Downs (#817) Dennis J. Umphres (#971) SHAYNE KING (#110) Zeb Armstrong (#310) Ty Kady (#358) Carter Gurnee (#446) Matthew D. Bateman (#550) Adam Land (#485) Jason Dubin (#337) Bruno Le Blanc (#960) David Demangos (#124) Takeshi Koikeda (#39) Ezra Lusk (#11) HON Dustin A. Nelson (#180)

250CC Main Event

Line-Up: Jeremy McGrath (#1) YAM Kevin Windham (#14) Tim Ferry (#15) Mike LaRocco (#5) Larry Ward (#10) SUZ Damon Huffman (#20) KAW Ricky Carmichael (#4) KAW Brock Sellards (#18) HON David Vuillemin (#934) Greg Albertyn (#7) SUZ John Dowd (#16) Sebastien Tortelli (#21) HON Michael Brandes (#27) Jimmy Buttons (#12) YAM Stephane Roncada (#26) SUZ Phil Lawrence (#50) Tyler Evans (#45) Grayson Goodman (#65) Jean-Sebastien Roy (#31) Heath Voss (#33)
Gates drop and Carmichael takes the holeshot. Followed by Ward, Windham, LaRocco, Sellards, McGrath, and Vuillimen. As they enter the rhythme section Windham passes Ward. Then Ward comes back and stuffs Windham before the finish line. At the end of the first lap it is Carmichael, Ward, Windham, LaRocco, McGrath, Button, and Albertyn. Windham passes Ward in the whoops and sets his sights on Carmichael. McGrath is starting to come into the picture. He pulls within a bike length of Windham. McGrath passes Windham in mid-air and begins to close on Carmichael. In the meantime Ward has fell back to sixth place. McGrath is clearly the fastest rider on the track. It is only a matter of time before he passes Carmichael. McGrath now takes the lead from Carmichael who struggles to get it back. Carmichael regains the lead in the rythme section. Only to be passed back two turns later. Mike LaRocco now joins the battle. LaRocco passes Carmichael at the finish line. The running order is McGrath, LaRocco, Carmichael, Windham, Button, Tortelli, Albertyn, Ward,and Vuillimen. LaRocco looks to be the only challenger on McGrath as Carmichael loses ground. With 9 laps to go, Tortelli passes Button for 5th at the end of the whoop section. Windham passes Carmichael in the whoops. McGrath has a four second lead over LaRocco-in second. LaRocco has a ten second lead over lead over third place Windham. With 5 laps to go, McGrath, LaRocco, Windham, Tortelli, Vuillimen, Button, Albertyn are up front. Carmichael, the holeshot winner, has really fell off the pace. He now rides in 8th place. Tortelli and Vuillimen are starting to pressure Windham for the final podium position. As the white flag comes out, McGrath maintains his lead over LaRocco as they enter lapped traffic. McGrath takes the checkered flag followed by LaRocco, Windham, Tortelli, Vuillimen, Button, Albertyn, Carmichael, Ward, and Dowd.

Results: Jeremy McGrath (#1) YAM Mike LaRocco (#5) Kevin Windham (#14) Sebastien Tortelli (#21) HON David Vuillemin (#934) Jimmy Buttons (#12) YAM Greg Albertyn (#7) SUZ Ricky Carmichael (#4) KAW Larry Ward (#10) SUZ John Dowd (#16) Stephane Roncada (#26) SUZ Brock Sellards (#18) HON Damon Huffman (#20) KAW Phil Lawrence (#50) Heath Voss (#33) Michael Brandes (#27) Jean-Sebastien Roy (#31) Tyler Evans (#45) Grayson Goodman (#65) Tim Ferry (#15)