Bulletpoints Grows

Posted: Tue 11 Jan 2000

Thanks to the Huntly Motorcycle Club for having the foresight to invite The Silver-Bullet Company to their Belray Cross Country series, and for realising that there are improvements that can be made to the manual or spreadsheet system that will benefit not only the riders but the volunteers that spend hours calculating results and faxing them to interested parties.

There were a few situations at the weekend\'s round that have given us ideas on how Bulletpoints can be further developed, and we are really excited about the possibilities.
1. When riders don\'t sign in before riding there tends to be unexplained gaps in the results the program prints out. We therefore need to allow for this, and build into the program the ability to add riders after the event has occured.
2. When the bike number that is recorded on lapscoring sheets does not match any bike number that has signed on, we need to have a function that will edit this after the event.
3. As bike numbers can often be misread, we have started developing a function that will enable extra short/long laps to be highlighted. This means that if a bike is missed as it rides by the lapscorers we can pick up that they have had an extra long lap and query it, also we can find anyone that has had an extra short lap as they have been recorded instead of the rider that was missed. This will also highlight those riders that tend to make shortcuts through the circuit.
4. Signing on of 270 riders in 60 minutes is near impossible for a manual system, and only marginally less for Bulletpoints as it is now. With the addition of a rider database that can be drawn from automatically sign on will be extremely quick via the Bulletpoints program.

What attending events enables us to do is tailor the program to your needs, we find out more and more what is required and develop the program to suit. Already clubs are benefiting by having their full results available on the internet, gone are the days when just first, second, third were announced and the rest of the field were left in the dark. Now, the results are posted (whether they be correct or incorrect) and adjustments made as necessary to the full field. This is just one of the first steps to a revolution in results formatting and event management that means less work for event organisers, more value for sponsors, and efficiently run events.

The Silver-Bullet Company Ltd are more or less volunteering our time to develop a program that each motorcycle club in NZ will not be able to live without, as each event we attend the number of features grow and the user interface grows steadily simpler. We want to help further the sport of motorcycling in New Zealand and know that this is one way to do so.

Bulletpoints is being used twice this coming weekend at the North Harbour Mini Motox Championships and at the Pacific Motorcycle Clubs Summer Series at Centennial Raceway, Taupo, so keep an eye out for us.

Any queries go to: bulletpoints@silver-bullet.co.nz