1st Round of the Carian Honda Cross Country

Posted: Mon 13 Dec 1999

The Bushriders have a well-deserved reputation for organising interesting rides and turning up whatever the weather. However, two weeks ago the first round of the Carian Honda Cross Country had to be postponed when a few days of heavy rain made the Mangamaire track just a little too interesting. On Sunday morning it was easy to see just how interesting it could have been. Checking the track before the look lap was the most exciting ride of the day with the wet grass and greasy hills making the 15 km loop a real challenge. Thankfully, despite overcast conditions, the day stayed dry and by the 12:00 o\'clock start there were only a few boggy bits to deal with.

Due to the postponement two weeks earlier entries were down, but the 42 riders who turned up had a great time. Paul Whibley cruised around, averaging just over 15 minutes a lap, to take out first overall. Solis Norton must be getting used to his new YZF400, because he managed to hold onto second overall (first in the 300-Open 4- Stroke) just ahead of Richard Ebbett and Jeff Ormrod, who were neck and neck for virtually the whole 2 hours.

Nicky Rivers took out the 1 hour ladies class on her KX80, comfortably ahead of Sarah Orpet on her (borrowed) XR200.

During the day there were a few minor injuries including a broken collar bone, but the hard-luck award would have to go to Wellingtonian Robin Davenport who managed to dislocate his shoulder in a tumble.

Duncan Bradley didn\'t have to fall off to get hurt - he was still carrying injuries from an unprovoked attack in the PN square a few days before. With stitches all over the left side of his face he pulled on his helmet and headed out, but after a lap and a small tumble he wasn\'t too happy and reluctantly retired.

The Mangamaire track could hardly have been in better condition and the club members are full of enthusiasm for the coming rounds. It looks like being an awesome series, hopefully without any more postponements. The next round is on January 29th, the day before the Woodville Motocross GP although you don\'t have to wait that long before you go for a ride because the Bushriders annual Xmas Trail Ride is on this coming Saturday, Dec 18th. See you there.
A few photos from the day
A few more photos, courtesy of Matthew Porritt (Thank-you)