NZ Enduros All Go!

Posted: Sat 06 Jun 2020

The New Zealand Enduro Championship finally kicks off on the weekend of June 13/14.

Two double-headers in the lower North Island means that it is a series that is accessible to all.

The first round of the first double header is Masterton, run by George Callaghan and the Bushriders club.

This is followed by the long-standing and ever popular Martinborough Enduro, hosted by Wayne and Leigh Finlayson

Pre-entries are actively encouraged. If we are still at Covid Level 2 they are a must and, even at level 1, they mean a quicker sign-on, an earlier number, and more chance of riding with your mates.

The first THREE minutes (1,1A,1B, etc) are saved for AA and A course riders who register at the event. You have been advised.

PLEASE, everyone, read the ONLINE BRIEFING. If we are still at Level 2 there WILL BE NO MASS briefing. You are expected to have read these briefing notes. Please.

The Supplementary Regulations are also online. There are classes to cater for everyone including the Intro Trail rider classes (non-championship).