Harley Riders Urged To Vote At Home

Posted: Fri 26 Nov 1999

Harley-Davidson motorcycle riders descending on Dunedin for their 10th Annual H.O.G. rally, during the weekend of the general election, are being urged by the local returning officer to vote at home.

More than 800 people are expected for the rally … with around 600 of them camping at Whare Flat near Dunedin.

Dunedin North Returing Officer, Tess Gilfedder, says if hundreds of the motorcycle riders all decide to caste special votes there is no way the polling booth at Halfway Bush just out of Dunedin would be able to cope.

The H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group) rally will be the world’s most southern such rally ever staged. Worldwide there are 465,000 members, and while some overseas members are expected at the Dunedin rally, the vast majority will be from other parts of New Zealand.

“The message we are putting out is that regardless of whether or not you are a Harley rider, if you are going to be away from home on election day, then you should caste an early vote in your own electorate,” says Tess Gilfedder.

You can find out where your Issuing Office is by ringing 0800 800 610. Also these Issuing Offices will be advertised in the “Voter’s Guide” which you will receive in your mail box at the beginning of election week.

Dunedin H.O.G. Rally organizer Theo Marlow, says registrations for New Zealand’s 10th H.O.G Rally are likely to top the 800 mark, with well over 500 motorcycles.

Harley owners will be mostly under canvass at Whare Flat scout camp near Dunedin in a secure area that will be off limits to the public.

However, the public will be able to see a full display of the motorcycles when they take part in a mass Thunder Ride on Saturday. Dunedin’s Octagon will be blocked off especially for the event.

for more information contact:
Theo Marlow, HOG Rally organiser
03 4777289 (wk)
03 4770239 (fax)

Tess Gilfedder, Returning Officer Dunedin North
03 4737890