Monday Offroad Adventure

Posted: Thu 01 Jun 2017

This coming Monday the 5th June FTE are holding the final round of the National Enduro Series.

The venue for this event is at Ohakuri and will be sign posted from SH1 3km south of the Ataimuri village.

Sign on will be from 8 30 and the event will start at 10am and finish around 3pm.

There will be about 130kms of riding for the Expert and Intermediate classes and about 90kms for the Trail ride class.

This event is a great opportunity for riders to have a go at an Enduro if they have not done so before. Riders who enter the Trail ride class will be offered free day license's and the entry for this class is only $40.

For the main Enduro classes an MNZ license is required but there are day licenses available for the Northern series classes. The entry fee is $80 for the main event and day licenses are $25

Come along and have a go.

Rules and regulations for Enduros are available on the MNZ website or let us know and we will flick you out a copy.

A Prizegiving will follow straight after the event and this is being held at the Beez Neez which is just North of Ohakuri on SH1. Awesome Food and beverages are available for purchase.

NB: The trail ride class is a class for riders new to Enduros, it is not a regular trail ride. You will still be doing the sections, special tests and have a riders card.