Whana 150, RESULTS

Posted: Sun 28 Feb 2016

BRONZE, Race Results
BRONZE, Laptimes

SILVER, Race Results
SILVER, Laptimes

GOLD, Race Results
GOLD, Laptimes

Entry numbers

GOLD: #299, #137, & #484 had 5 minutes added to their first lap time because they inadvertently missed a gold diversion.

SILVER: #772 had bike problems and, although coming through lap scoring twice, was judged to have not completed the course. lap 1: 2:10:10, lap 2: 2:08:41
#672 dropped back to the bronze loop for his 2nd lap so this was not scored. (Crossed line 3:59:05 after he started, 2nd lap of 2:12:52)

For amusement only

If the event had been run as an enduro with 4 special tests then the results might have looked like below. The special tests are a bit confusing because everyone was riding a different course, but you might find something interesting there. Whilst every care has been made to have these results reflect reality there is no guarantee, real or implied.


Start to fuel
Fuel to base
Base to fuel
Fuel to Finish