Manawatu Orion Moto-trial Report

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2015

Club Champs Round 2 June 28th 2015. (Full Results)

Sunday morning I was struggling to get me butt into gear, wasn't real keen to ride. Had a looked out the window and decided sun's shining, lets do it and I'm glad i did.

I rode with Alistair from the the Bay and Paul from Ixion and Kevin for the last couple of laps. Thanks for company.

Sections 1&2 were a good couple of sections on the side of the hill, to start the day off, both capable of taking a few points in the loose stones, if ya weren't thinking about the job.

Section 3 the tree roots at the start, took points from me most of the day. I would go over the first one ok, then get the wobbles trying to get over the second one. Alistair had them worked out, he was doing it nice and tidy. I was glad we weren't going higher up into the trees like last year.

Section 4 this was another one on the side of a hill. I found the A line off to the left, making a nice line to head back up over the stones, easier than going over the group of boulders at the start, yet Alistair did it that way all day with no worries.

Section 5 I didn't like the look of going over the log at the bottom the first lap, so took the A line up round the top and down over the boulders. That just about went pear shaped, did a 3 and it didn't get much better than that all day for all three of us, some practise would do wonders.

Section 6 up into the trees, this was another one I mixed it up between the A & inter lines, but going between the trees took points all day. I think Paul cleaned it one lap, but stuffed it the rest.

Section 7 second one in the trees had some turns, good for a bit of clutch control, which I surprise myself at, but then I took the last little bank too cheap and had to push. Took more points. I saw Kevin do this, he had to go between some trees, that the handle bars just looked liked fitting through, then up a tree root step. It looked like it had Merv written all over it.

Section 8 river section I really liked this one. The tree trunk in the middle had us all looking at it fairly hard. It was good, just something a bit bigger for the Inter line. I actually did a 5 twice on this one one on the bank getting out of the river, wrecking Kevin’s line or making it easier. I know the water did not look very inviting and a engine stall, there was a few words said internally.

It was good to see Geoff with his new Beta very nice.

I’m not sure on how many riders we had, it was a good turn out and the ones I saw all enjoying themselves.

Myself, I would like to thank Merv and Steve for a well set out Trial. Some easy ones, some harder ones all had options.

This is what really made my day:
Me and Paul were waiting at section 6, in front of us was AJ. When he made the turn to go up into the trees from the bottom Paul looked at me in disbelief. AJ had cleaned that corner Paul himself hadn't, that he was putting a foot down on. So I told AJ to give his old man a hard time on the way home. It is good to see the young ones riding, getting their confidence, growing and improving.

Hope you all had a great day, like I did.

The next event is the Winter Cup at Folley Road, Coppermine, Woodville.