Super EnduroX, RESULTS

Posted: Sat 10 Jan 2015

Senior A, Heat 1
Senior B, Heat 1
Junior-Woman, Heat 1

Senior A, Heat 2
Senior B, Heat 2
Junior-Woman, Heat 2

Senior FINALS, Race 1
Junior & Woman FINAL, Race 1

Some heat lap times were lost due to a malignantly evil keyboard. The problem occured at the beginning of a couple of races. You might notice that some of the 'first laps' are a little long. Oops. Shoot me.

Senior FINALS, Race 2
Junior & Woman FINAL, Race 2

Standings after heats & Finals

Day Results are not 100% sorted properly. In Final-A (Senior) positions 1 & 2 should be reversed. In Final-B (Junior) positions 4&5 should be reversed.