MOMCC Trials Club Champs, Rnd 5

Posted: Tue 14 Oct 2014

A beautiful sunny day with a light zepher breeze. A rocky terraced gully, manuka scrub and a cool little stream, provided the canvas for a great days riding at Davison's Farm. Ice-creams and dowsing in the stream were the favoured after riding activities, greatly enjoyed by my family at the end of a hot day's riding.

There was a good turn out of riders, with plenty of vistors from Ixion and the Twin Shock club. Notably there were a lots of juniors riding and this bodes well for the future of the sport.

Tight and rocky sections provided plenty of challenge (especially section 7). However the score sheets showed most riders mastering these challenges. Thanks to Merv and Chris for setting out some great sections.

John Lawton took the honours in the intermediate class on his twin shock. Who needs a modern bike? With Chris Morrison and Tony Ramshaw in close competition for 2nd and 3rd.

Hannah Rushworth won clubman, ahead of Merv George and Guy Lewis and her big sister Hazel (who she shared her bike with).

Young Joshie Naylor nailed the Sportsman lines. Julian Rivers and Tod Palenski had a close competition on these same lines in the Twin Show A class, with Julian finishing 2 points ahead.

It was great to have lots of riders in the Social/Twin Shock B class. Zak West took the honours in the Social grade, on his Oset 20.0. Ethan Rivers was the sole entrant and winner of the Twin Shock B class.

You can find the results in detail at

- Jane