MOMCC Moto-Trials Club Champs, Rnd 2

Posted: Mon 16 Jun 2014

MOMCC Moto Trials Report 15 June 2014

Round 2 of the Manawatu Orion club champs was held at the bee hive property (now owned by Mr Leamy) on the Pohangina Valley East Road. Thanks to Nicks drainage work and my plank the pre section mud was kept to a minimum (just one of the things we did to make the trial more comfortable for you) but there were still a few who found the blackberries a bit prickly.

A few of the sections were quite technical and maybe more use of the chainsaw would have eased that a bit. However there were certainly lessons to be learnt for all. The 5’s were scattered everywhere, even in the final lap when lower scores were had previously. Either the sections cut up but more likely a lack of concentration??

Oscar Alexander had a fantastic days ride (total 16) so he must be ready to graduate to MOMCC. Likewise the Walcroft father and son Adrian and Callum quietly undercut the competition in their respective grades – well done guys. There is good competition in all grades although a few riders were riding some harder lines skewing the scores a little. Kevin Pinna’s score reflecting the harder obstacles he was attacking (and messing up) in a couple of sections.

Due to my handicap (not mental) I wasn’t too adventurous with the section setting but next time we may need to look further up the valley for some new sections, although that may mean some earthworks and a bit of scrub cutting. Thanks to Nick and Andrew who helped set the sections

- - Merv George