GNCC Postponed

Posted: Fri 06 Dec 2013

Sorry people but the weather gods are against us so we have to postpone the GNCC from Sunday 8th till Sunday 22nd December.

The ground is sooo wet at Maddix Park the whole complex is closed and the enduro (GNCC) tracks won't dry out for several days now. Those of you who have ridden here in the wet before will know how bad it can be so it was a relatively easy decision.

Why the 22nd. Well the weekend of Dec 14/15th is the Waitemata 2 Man in Auckland and Boundary Buster in Waiouru so we wouldn’t want to clash with those events. Besides, nothing is happening on the 22nd Dec, everyone will have finished work and have the Monday to clean up. Sunday also means you have time to recover from the Friday Last Day of Work Drinkies and be ready for racing on Sunday.

All details for the GNCC will remain the same except for the date change.


So that you don't miss out on a ride day, we are heading to Maramarua this Sunday 8th to ride the trails and check out the SuperEnduro course that Chris has designed. You can also get to ride the GNCC tracks that will be in place January for the final round. Maramarua will dry out pretty quickly and we have fine weather predicted for the next two days. No rain here now either.

So impromptu Trail Ride and SuperEnduro Sunday 8th Dec.