Posted: Mon 11 Nov 2013

There was a big turnout of riders for the annual MOMMC / Ixion challenge. It was good to see lots of NZ Twinshock riders as well. The Infracon Quarry at Linton was a great venue for the event and there were some good sections.

Results of the BSA Shield went as follows. We matched riders from the top three grades club for club, depending on how many were in each grade. i.e. in A grade and Inter’s MOMCC only had two riders. So MOMMC's two in each of those grades were counted against the best two Ixion from those two grades and points allocated 4,3,2,1 acording to position. The two best Ixion A graders beat Warrick and Kevin so Ixion got 7 points and MOMCC 3. But clubman grade MOMCC had 6 riders and Ixion 13 riders. So points were allocated from 12 down to 1. MOMCC 6 riders against Ixion’s best 6. Confused!

BSA Shield Points.

A 7 3
Intermedite 7 3
Clubman 33 45
Total 47 51

MOMCC won the Shield (for the first time in 13 years).

View details of the trials results here.