Telford Farm Trial

Posted: Mon 21 May 2012

On camera with Mark Gray at his first moto-trials event (well, his first as a competitor).

He mostly rode the clubman lines, except where he got lost or confused.

He doesn't have a score for the day because he didn't bother to keep track for the first three rounds! Thanks to help from Merv George we know he scored a very respectable 8 for the last round.

MotoTrials Report - Bruce & Bai Cup – 20/5/2012

Nice weather to greet a large turn out! To get in the right frame of mind we set out a practice section (10) with the idea that after this practice the rest of the trial would be a doddle. Hmmm not sure it worked.

Some of the sections looked pretty mind boggling to start with – 2 complete new sections and lots of different ground conditions.

However by the end of the Trial the riders seemed to have them sorted out and getting many zeros so I guess the challenge was there and they stepped up to it – good progress!

Great to see new riders along and thanks Andrew for escorting / assisting them! We hope it wasn’t at the detriment of your own ride. Mark Gray from Whangarei (yes we draw riders from all over to our World famous in Manawatu MotoTrials) started out in Social and stepped up to Clubman – equalling most on last lap – well done.

Great to see young Hannah Rushworth having a go and actually finishing – great effort. We hope Jane Bray, Steve Bird, Steve Chambers (& son?), Ben Nitschke and Owen Lum also enjoyed their experiences and we hope to see you all again soon.

If there is enough interest we could run a training day. If you are interested email Merv and we will organise a day – maybe in July??

Some good tussles in Clubman with a good spread of scores.Only a few riders in Intermediate and A grade but tight competition to keep the pressure on for a good ride.

Todays competition was for the “Bruce and Bai” cup which goes to the rider in any grade (MOMCC member) with the lowest score – congratulations to Andrew Pugh.


A Grade
Warrick GeorgeGas Gas28MOMCC
Kevin PinfoldOssa47MOMCC
Andy AndersonBeta69MOMCC
Phil StephensonGas Gas71MOMCC
Ricky WinkleOssa27Ixion
Adrian WalcroftBeta29MOMCC
Dean SorensenGas Gas38MOMCC
Charlie MorrisonScorpa46MOMCC
Merv GeorgeGas Gas51MOMCC
Nick TuckerBeta66MOMCC
Jamie MeadBetaDNFIxion
Andrew PughHonda25MOMCC - Winner Bruce &Bai Cup
Hannah RushworthGas Gas143