Thai Trip Update

Posted: Fri 25 Jun 2010

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June 2010 - Thai Trip Update

In this issue:

Hi John,

I can't believe there is less than 4 months till we head off again to enjoy another 2 weeks of motorcycling in Northern Thailand.

I know some people have expressed concerns about the political situation in Thailand, so I am giving you an update below on that topic as seen through the eyes of NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

We still have places available for the October trips, so if you are thinking about joining our friendly group, give us a call and let's talk about it.


Martin Lenart - 021 248 9452

Politcal Situation

Profile of ...... Pai

Motorbike Riding Overseas

2010 Tour Update

Website Update

Current Political Situation in Thailand

Current Political Situation in Thailand

Most people will have heard of the "Red-Shirt" and "Yellow-Shirt " demonstrations in Thailand earlier in the year. Given that our trips depart in 4 months time, it is appropriate to reflect on the current situation and the degree of protests going on. The dispute stems from 2008 when the elected Prime Minister was ousted in a coup, and he was charged (and subsequently convicted) of corruption charges. The red shirts are seeking to have him brought back to power, while the yellow shirts are promoting the military-led government. In saying this outside of Bangkok, there is virtually no sign of any politics as people just want to get on with their every-day lives and make an honest living.

The current situation is that the protests have stopped and there are no more demonstrations or group meetings.Traffic and air travel are all flowing smoothly.

I take my cue from the NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs website      As at today, this website ranks countries as either SOME RISK which is defined as "we advise caution", HIGH RISK which is defined as "we advise against tourism and other non-essential travel" and EXTREME RISK which is defined as "we advise against all travel". 

Thailand and Bangkok are generally rated as Some Risk, with a few areas (where we don't go) rated as high risk. To put this all into perspective, countries which are rated as Some Risk include France, Spain, Greece, Italy, USA, Malaysia, Fiji, Tonga and Singapore. Those at High Risk include  Kenya, Algeria, Chile, Turkey, and Jamaica. Some of those in the Extreme Risk category are Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco and Philippines.

Generally motorbikers are reasonably conservative folk and don't go out of their way to encounter trouble. On our trips we stay well away from any protest meetings and use common sense when it comes to getting involved in local politics. So if you are worried about your personal safety, you are more likely to be accidentally trampled upon by  a tame elephant or bitten by a curious monkey than hurt in political violence.  In saying that, however, I wouldn't encourage you to wear red or yellow t-shirts!

Profile of ...... Pai

Profile of ...... Pai

Pai is a lovely town in the Mae Hong Son province around 150kms from Chiang Mai. Because of its natural beauty, and its proximity to mountains, rivers, lush forests and the Burmese border, it is often the base for trekking, river rafting and other recreational pursuits. In Kiwi terms, it is around the size of Levin or Wanaka, but it now boasts 2 sets of traffic lights which are often manned by traffic pointsmen. If you look at the video clip on our website, you will see them in action as they direct traffic with grace and charm.

The road to Pai is magnificent from either direction. Approaching it from the South, we skirt the Burmese border and go over many lush mountain passes. We also visit (by boat) a village tribe of Karen Long-neck people in the same general area. This part of North Western Thailand is often referred to as the Switzerland of Thailand. The road back to Chiang Mai has 762 curves (u-bends) and the abundance of T-shirts attesting that fact are often seen on Pai visitors. You may be interested that in the book "1000 Places to see before you Die" this area features strongly.

We stay in Pai for 2 nights on our trips and take the opportunity to explore the area, swim in magnificent waterfalls with snakes sunbathing nearby, as well as sit and watch the world go by in the great cafes in this magic town.

Motorbike Riding Overseas

Motorbike Riding Overseas

Often I have been asked what it is like riding a motorbike in a foreign country, where the driving habits are unknown, there is a large population and the road conditions may be dodgy.

Well of course each place is different in terms of road conditions, population, temperature and driving habits. I've ridden through India (challenging), Turkey (easy), Bolivia (sandy), Vietnam (hectic), Australia (kangaroos), and Peru (breathless).   In many regard, riding in Thailand is easy because they ride on our side of the road, roads are in good condition, and there is little traffic on the mostly rural roads in the areas we go to.

I would not want to ride in or around Bangkok, where the traffic zooms about, but fortunately we travel 650kms to Chiang Mai before collecting our bikes. The riding portion of the trip also ends in Chiang Mai.

Thailand is one of those countries where personal responsibility is up to the individual. You will never be asked to show your licence... until you have an accident, nor are there policemen checking your speed, warrant of fitness or protective clothing. Once again, common sense prevails. Don't be surprised if fellow local  riders on Thai roads are carrying chickens, goats or just the whole family on a 125cc scooter. The most bizarre sight I have encountered on the open road in Thailand has been a woman cradling her child while driving her motorbike, whilst feeding him from a bottle. I guess that is good time management!

2010 Tour Update

2010 Tour Update

We are still taking bookings for the 2010 trips which will definitely be running. However be aware that the closer we get to the departure date, the more expensive airfares are on the hop across to Thailand. Check out our website for full details and photos / video of these amazing trips.

We are hoping for a good bunch of people, so if you are undecided and would like to chat to a past participant, give us a call and we can put you in touch. 

And don't forget we can accommodate pillions or non-riding partners too. Our support vehicle is roomy, comfortable and well set up for those who don't want to be pillion on a particular day.

Website update

Take a look at our newly revamped website with more information and pictures.

100% New Zealand Owned and Operated
© 2010 Thailand Motorbike Tours