MOMCC Moto Trial April 11th, 2010

Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010

The Bruce & Bai Cup Trial was held in perfect weather conditions last Sunday on Carroll’s farm at the end of No 2 Line in the Pohangina Valley. Perhaps the warm sunny day was the reason we had a low turnout of only seven riders. Or was it the thought of riding Merv’s sections?

Merv and Steve set out eight sections, a mixture of narrow slippery rocky creek, grass covered hills and a few large dry rocks. One of these was a 1.5 metre near vertical rock that required a “splat attack” with the help of a small rock lifter placed in the grass 1 metre out from the rock. This rock was set for A grade only and Warrick George was the master on this section making the launch to the top look easy. I kind of found a wimps line around this big step due to the positioning of the right boundry peg, although I’m sure Merv and Steve hadn’t intended the section to be ridden that way. Body preservation comes first sometimes.

Due to the grass being quite long it was very slippery on some of the climbes which resulted in many points lost as the traction went out the back door and the feet hit the floor. And combined with the slippery rocks in the creek it made for an all round fight for grip resulting in high scores all round.

The lowest score on the day went to Tony Smith resulting in him being the Bruce & Bai Cup winner.

The next trial will be on May 16th on the Coombes farm on the Pohangina Valley East Road.

- - Kevin Pinfold

A Grade
Warrick George Gas Gas 73 MOMCC
Kevin Pinfold Gas Gas 79 MOMCC
Tony Smith Sherco 61 MOMCC Bruce & Bai Cup winner
Charlie Morrisn Scorpa 91 MOMCC
Phil Stephenson Gas Gas 96 MOMCC
Merv George Gas Gas 105 MOMCC
Adrian Walcroft Yamaha 110 MOMCc