Auto Electricians in Thames

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2010

This may seem to have little to do with motorbikes but the service and hospitality of Grant & Darren at Thames Auto Electrical was so good that an exception is required.

We called in so they could fit an inverter so that we could use our computer even when we didn't have a generator... (at least for an hour or two...)

Well, what should have been an easy half-hour turned into a 3-day mission, no fault of theirs.

They went out of their way to sort out the issues and, in the meantime, effectively put us up for the full three days.

To top it all off they only charged us for the first half-hour! I'm not trying to suggest that these guys are cheap. What I am saying is that they are professionals and that they deserve your business, if you're passing.

An honourable mention also to Antonio Guzzo of Marine-Deals in Auckland.

Not only did he have the best stuff at the cheapest prices, he also went out of his way to courier it immediately, even before the money hit his account. Can't thank you enough Antonio.

These people are a pleasure to deal with and a credit to the service industry :-)