Bel Ray Cross Country

Posted: Thu 02 Oct 2008


Huntly Motorcycle Club proudly presents the annual Bel Ray series.

The 2009 Bel Ray series will be an extra special occasion this year as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of this reputable event. From what was conceived by a group of passionate, keen Hare Scramble enthusiatists in the early nineties, this series has evolved into an event that many riders travel far and wide to attend.

The Bel Ray series has seen its fair share for riders, some of which have gone on to become national champions. Many a story can be told of a ride at the Bel Ray. Some of those stories include memories of great victories or defeats and many others relay memories of friendships, commradery and ‘good times’.

But all in all, the Bel Ray series has been an event where people, with a passion for cross country, can come together and ride on fast, free flowing natural terrain. Albeit competitors on the track, you always end up mates by the end of the day.

This year, the Huntly Motorcycle Club wants to rekindle some old friendships and again bring together those who enjoyed the Bel Ray series in its earlier years. We want to acknowledge its history, its past riders, landowners, organisers and celebrate its 15th anniversary with a great event, a great race and a great social gathering to follow. We also want to show our appreciation to a sponsor of 15 years Northern Accessories, suppliers of Bel Ray oil. Without their help and support over the years, we would not have had the event we have today.

The Huntly Motorcycle club has been privileged with many wonderful committee members over the years and through their hard work and commitment, they have maintained the true spirit of the Bel Ray series.

This year, Kimmy’s MotoX Park and Kiwirider magazine are proud to become event sponsors and celebrate the 15th anniversary of the event.

The dates are set for Sunday 9th November 2008, Sunday 7th December 2008 and the final on Saturday 10th January 2009 with a fundraising trail ride on Sunday 11th January 2009. The final round will be preceded with a Friday night pre-race function at Huntly Honda to catch up with friends and view an amazing display of apparel and product.

So watch this space for more information about the upcoming event. Hope to see you all there.

Tarina Moorfield
Events Manager
Huntly Motorcycle Club

Event Poster (1 MB)