Shayne holds 5th place

Posted: Wed 08 Sep 1999

Date: 4/5 September 1999
Event: World 500cc Motocross Championships - Round 13
Venue: Leirop, The Netherlands
Weather Conditions: Extremely Hot
Track Conditions: Deep Sand

RACE ONE: I made a good start and was 2nd on the first lap. Unfortunately my arms started to pump up severly straight away and the track is so rough you are over the limit 100% of the time so, if your arms are pumped solid, it is almost impossible. I slipped back to 7th place and managed to hang in there while my arms slowly freed up towards the 20 minute mark. After then I could start to push again and passed Jasinski to get back 6th place. I chased Peter Johansson who was in 5th place but the gap was too big and I finished in 6th, ahead of Miska Aaltonen who was close to me in points for 5th overall in the championship.

RACE TWO: Again I made a great start and was 5th going into the first lap and 3rd after it. I moved up to 2nd behind Joel Smets on the next lap and pulled out a big gap between Bartolini in 3rd place. After 20 minutes I started to get severe stomach pains and cramps which got stronger as the race went on, especially on heavy landings after jumps. At 30 minutes it was excruciating and I did not know if I would finish but I knew it was vital if I was to finish in 5th in the championship. I slipped back and eventually finished in 8th place. I picked up a bad stomach bug after the Swedish GP which has been hard to shake and, perhaps in the 30 degree heat it was just too much for my system. Still, I am really happy to have 5th place in the championship after the DNF\'s we had earlier in the season & breaking my ??? in Austria. So it is home to New Zealand on Tuesday for a month off before heading off to America.

Regards, Yvette King