Pink And Manning Shield Trial

Posted: Wed 23 Apr 2008

Only nine riders turned out for the Pink and Manning Shield Trial at Telfords farm on April 8th. It would have been good to see a few more turn up. Perhaps they stayed home to watch the Hamilton street races. Those that didn’t turn up missed a good trial. Merv and Warrick had set out eight sections in the bitterly cold rain on Saturday but by Sunday it was fine again and the conditions were dry. In fact we toughened up some of the Expert sections to make us work harder.

Not being a rocky venue all the sections featured dirt banks and hill climbs with various cambered turns and a couple of tight turns that needed hopping of the bike to negotiate. A good day was had by all.

The next trial is round two of the club champs to be held on May 18 on Ingles farm, Folly Road, (off Pinfold Road) near Woodville.
