Whibley: Rnd 4

Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008

Race Report: Round 4, GNCC, South Carolina
Rider: Paul Whibley
Team: FMF, Suzuki
Bike: Suzuki RMZ 450
Result: 4th

Off the line my RMZ fired up quickly driving me around the first turn with the leaders. By turn two I had moved to 4th position.

The first woods section was tight, slick hard pack and I didn't feel comfortable with these conditions. I tried to ride relaxed and get into a flow but struggled and began to tighten up. I was able to hang with the top three for most of the first lap but as my armpump grew I had to back off to avoid crashing.

I fell back and got into a race with Glenn Kearney, Jason Raines and Shane Watts. By the fuel stop I had dropped to 8th with armpump beginning to subside I could start to push hard and began chasing down the leaders. I past Wattsy and moved by Jason after he went down on a slick log.

I lined up Glenn on the second to last lap, making a move at the end of a straight sweeping around the outside. By the start of the last lap I had Nate Kanney in my sights and mid lap I had made the pass and moved up to 4th.

I continued to push hard, not knowing how close I was to 3rd placed Charlie Mullins. By the chequers I had closed the gap to about eighteen seconds but had to settle for 4th.

1- D. Knight
2- J. Strang
3- C. Mullins
4- P. Whibley
5- N. Kanney

One week earlier I raced Round one of the OMA series. With a good start I was following Jimmy Jarrett on lap one in 2nd position. Jimmy set a good pace and we put a small gap over 3rd. On the trail we encountered a lapped rider stuck blocking the track. Jimmy dismounted and helped push the kids bike over the rooty obstacle while I held Jimmys bike for him. Meanwhile the pack caught us and pushed past, relegating Jimmy and I outside the top five. We got going again and got on a mission. By the third lap Jimmy was up to 2nd behind Charlie Mullins and I was a distant 3rd. I past Jimmy when he crashed over a drop off. I set about reeling in Charlie. He had built about a 40 second lead. I got it down to 5 seconds but ran out of laps so had to take 2nd.

1- C. Mullins
2- P. Whibley
3- J. Jarrett
4- J. Strang
5- B. Garrahan