Photos from a Big Weekend

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 1999

The first weekend of September turned into a real marathon effort for the Ruapehu club members as they coped with the large crowds flocking to this years 25th Cold Kiwi. Despite coolish evenings the weather couldn\'t have been better. We have a few photos from this years event - some amateur shots from an unnamed source as well as seven very nice shots from Kerry Mercer. If there is anyone else with some pictures from the weekend we\'d love to see them.

Ruapehu wasn\'t the only club with a big day. Kapi-Mana decided that Sunday was the perfect day to hold their postponed Spectro MX and they were almost right. A little rain in the morning made the first round a little greasy but then it all cleared up and the 143 senior/juniors and 35 mini riders had a great day. Again we have a few photos (although no mini ones - someone must have been there with a camera, how about sendinng us some photos of tomorrows stars for the website)