Whitaker Cracks The Big Time

Posted: Mon 29 Oct 2007

OCTOBER 24, 2007: Wellington’s Jake Whitaker beat the best of the best and the nastiest of stomach bugs too when he wrapped up his first New Zealand Motorcycle Trials Championship title over Labour Weekend.

The 16-year-old superstar-in-the-making finally cracked the big time when he beat his long-time rival, mentor and friend Warren Laugesen at the three-day national championship event in Hawke’s Bay.

He didn’t have it all his own way, however, and was locked in a see-saw battle with Levin legend and national No.1 Laugesen throughout the long weekend.

“Day one (on Saturday) was a course along a slippery creek bed,” said Whitaker. “It was weird, because I usually struggle in those conditions and I’m usually putting my feet down a lot. But I managed to hold it all together and win the day.

“Day two was tough for me because it featured a really steep hill and I was only on a Gas Gas 125 and the other riders were on bigger bikes. I couldn’t get enough drive to crest the top of the hill.”

Laugesen won day two and this set the event up for a classic final, winner-takes-all confrontation on the Monday.

But Whitaker was sublime on the wind-lashed steep face of Havelock North’s Te Mata Peak and edged Laugesen for the title.

In addition to beating Laugesen, the seven-time former and defending national champion, Whitaker also had to contend with six-time former national champion Andrew Poad (Tauranga), South Island expert grade champion Jason Baker, Hastings ace Luke March and Taranaki’s Wayne Thompson.

Whitaker also had to survive a dose of food poisoning to claim the crown.

“I ate a chicken burger on Sunday night and that didn’t agree with me,” said Whitaker. “It took me a while to come right on the third day of competition (Monday). I wasn’t good on the first lap but it all came together later on.

“It’s taken me a long time and a lot of hard work to beat Warren. It hasn’t come easily but I finally got there and it’s a pretty good feeling.”

In addition to winning the Expert Class trophy and New Zealand title overall, Whitaker led the North Island team to victory over the South Island in the traditional inter-island clash that dates back to 1922.

Magnanimous in defeat, Laugesen said he was proud of what his young protégé had achieved.

“He was under a lot of pressure but he responded well. He really deserved it. It will be a great confidence boost for him for heading overseas next year,” said Laugesen.

The A grade produced another great clash between Nelson’s Nick Oliver and Whitby’s Rory Mead, with the lead changing from day one to day two and everything hung on the third day.

When Oliver’s bike had a slight mechanical problem, it looked as though it was all over for him, but he managed to repair it and get the 40 sections completed on time and he secured the title, with Ashhurst veteran Kevin Pinfold taking the third spot.

LEADING results from the New Zealand Trials Championships: