Shayne King 5th Overall

Posted: Wed 11 Aug 1999

DATE: 7/8 August 1999
EVENT: Wold 500cc Motocross Championships - Round 10
VENUE: Folkendage, Luxembourg
TRACK CONDITIONS: Very poorly prepared. Extremely crusty, hard & rocky.

RACE ONE \"I jumped well out of the gate but then the rear just spun on the concrete and I lost time. The first corner was a mess & I came out in around 30th place. The dust was the worst I have ever seen. This track is difficult to water at the best of times but put 2 GP classes together and you have a nightmare. The first 250cc GP race before us had near perfect conditions but they did not water for us. In some places I could only use 1/4 throttle, with no visibility. For 5 laps it was impossible to make more than 1 place a lap so by the time I got anywhere it was 30 mins gone & then I had another problem, on the rack hard track I lost most of the knobs on my rear tyre so then I had no grip at all. I got to 12th place which was good considering.\"

RACE TWO \"I made quite a good start from the gate & was top 10 the first lap. Over the next few laps I passed Burnham & then Puzar & Garcie. It was pretty rough going to get past anyone. Your could dive under them on one corner but then they had you set up for the next one. Peter (Johansson) got passed me & Garoia. I was pushing as hard as I could but I never felt comfortable all weekend on the track, I felt I was having to ride too hard for too little progress. I went Supercross testing this week & could have done with some hard track riding. I chased Eckenbach the last few laps but needed another lap to make the pass & I finished in 8th place. It was definitely a challenging weekend & I did achieve my goal to move into 5th place Overall. In the Championship I am now in 5th place tied with Puzar on 163pts. I am looking forward to the Sweden GP in 2 weeks.\"

Check out the World 500cc Motocross Series points.