Whibley: Nat Hare Scramble Series

Posted: Thu 07 Sep 2006

Race Report. National Hare Scramble series Round
Rider.Paul Whibley
Team. Moose, Parts Unlimited,Honda
Bike. Honda CRF 450

We loaded the boxvan and made the eight hour drive down to Dannville, Southern Virginia.

The course looked good with a mix a sandy base loamy soil, some tight woods and some grass sections. A few days earlier, the left overs of a tropical cyclone had watered the track and the race was in doubt if it was even going to run. But the sandy soil soaked it up and conditions looked good.

On the start line things didnt go to plan. About three kicks later the 450 fired up, by that time everyone else had taken off and I had some work to do.

I put my head down and made a charge through the field. I managed to pass a lot of riders and caught up to 1st and 2nd, Nate Kanney GNCC #14 and Charlie Mullins GNCC #4.

The wood sections were really tight and I was struggling to keep with them, but any grass sections I would catch them back up.

At the first fuel stop we had about a thirty second lead over Robbie Jenks GNCC #5. Mid race I stalled the bike and lost the leaders, Robbie caught and passed me. I followed him for a while as he was setting a quick pace. We soon caught and passed Nate who began to suffer from the humid conditions and later said he had stomach cramps.

Charlie was out in front, but was pushing hard and as a result hit a tree and pulled out of the race. This meant I was back up to second, following Robbie. I had drained my camel bak just over the half way mark and was begining to dehydrate.

In a tight section, I clipped the back wheel of a lapper and went down just before the second fuel stop, dropping to 3rd behind Jesse Robinson GNCC #19.

At the 2nd fuel stop Kath said I was half a minute down on the leaders and there was only one lap to go, so I got on a mission. I caught 1st and 2nd within half a lap and put a move on them in a grass section. Holding the 450 wide open round a sweeper that lead to a grass straight, I got into the lead!

I kept my head down and put a thirty second gap between me and 2nd place.

It was a demanding race, after 3 hours and 20 minutes in very humid conditions, I was glad to see the chequered flag and take the pro class win.

Thanks to my sponsors;

  • Moose
  • Parts Unlimited
  • Honda
  • CTi
  • WER
  • FMF
  • RG3
  • Moto SR
  • Stringfellows
  • Darbis
  • Wiseco
  • Ek chain
  • Cycra