South scores 2000 NZ MX Nationals

Posted: Wed 28 Jul 1999

The Gore Districts and Mosgiel Districts Motorcycle Clubs, have scored a major coup in the motocross fraternity. Both clubs will be hosting a round each of the 2000 NZ MX Nationals in February.

Gore Districts organiser, Ken Williams, said it was a coup for the club and Southland as a whole. \"It has never been held down here before. We in Southland can now show the rest of the country we can do it, and have the land equal to anywhere else in New Zealand,\" he said.

The NZ MX Nationals are usually held in March, but next year will be a month earlier. Motorcycling New Zealand Motocross Commission Director, Dave Craig, said it was more of a publicity decision to hold them in February. \"The international riders had indicated they would be back in New Zealand that month.\" International riders meaning the likes of Josh Coppins and Shayne and Darryl King.

Mr Craig said it is also possible Brett Metcalfe from Australia will be competing at the 2000 Nationals. \"He will definitely be riding a 125 and possibly a 250. He is a very fast rider and is looking at spending many weeks racing over the summer in New Zealand.\"

There could also be another couple of riders from Australia who are under negotiation for their attendance. With the NZ MX Nationals being held a month earlier, the Christchurch Offroad Motorcycle Club opted out of holding their round. President, John Chandler, said it was too much of a fire risk to hold their round in February. \"This year, during the same month there were fire bans all around the area.\"

They were disappointed, but the club did not chase Motorcycling New Zealand to hold this event. \"MNZ encouraged us to do it. We had already held a round a couple of years back. We had the facilities, a good track, plus a good population base,\" Mr Chandler said.

The Gore club will be hosting round one on 19/20 February, with Mosgiel the following weekend. Organiser of the Mosgiel round, Kelvin Read, said it was going to be great holding a round of the NZ MX Nationals. \"International riders such as Josh Coppins and the King brothers will be competing along with the country\'s best.

As far as a benefit, the Otago/Southland communities will be shown what motocross is all about. Watching these guys in action will leave you breathless.\"

He feels motocross is on the up, and it is up to the two clubs involved to get the ball rolling. \"Let the North Islanders experience true Southern Hospitality,\"he said. Both clubs are not in it to make a profit. \"The club is not here to make money, but, hopefully we will be able to make a small profit,\" Mr Read said.

They had been trying for ten years to hold a round of the NZ MX Nationals, which is like the world cup of motorcycling. Mr Williams said if they made a loss running this event they would not be happy, but are not profit oriented. \"Most of the money will go back to the riders, which is something our club makes a priority of.\"

Both tracks will feature mostly natural terrain tracks. The Gore round will be held at Waikaka, which consists of pretty fast flowing natural terrain, and has been the venue for their round of the Southern Motocross Series for a few years.

A new track is being built for the Mosgiel round, a mere two kilometres from the township, which should generate a good amount of spectators. It is also hopeful the Mosgiel round of the 1999 Southern Motocross Series will be held there. Mr Read said then they would be able to find any loopholes or to see where changes need to be made.

It is hard to say at this stage how many riders will feature at the 2000 NZ Motocross Nationals, but both clubs feel they should acheive 150 competitors.

For further details contact Series co-ordinator:
Jo Davidson 03 4486374 bus fax: 034489398

Note:It might pay to sort out accomodation for the final round at Mosgiel NOW, as it looks like this date could be clashing with a super 12 game at Carisbrook.