Try the *new* Taupo track on May 7th

Posted: Thu 27 Apr 2006

Pacific Motorcycle Club
2005/2006 Summer Series
Centennial Park Taupo

Goods news:

The May 7th round will be held on the new half of the Taupo track!

This is a great opportunity to come and check out Track Two, that’s the new half of the circuit. This will be a superb way to finish off the 2005/2006 series.

This will also allow you to check out the changes made to the circuit, (up close and personal), give you an opportunity to get in serious practice and true race condition experience.

So apart from being a great way to finish off, it’s also a great way to prepare for the Pacific Motorcycle Club 2006/2007 Summer Series. (See below for more detail on that Series).


Classes will be organised as previously and will include:

  • Super Motard
  • Sidecars
  • Formula One & Formula Two
  • Clubman’s (exclusive class)
  • Formula Three & 125GP
  • Classic Multi Cylinder,
  • Classic Single Cylinder
  • 150/250 Street Stock

Entry to the Track, Registration, Scrutineering and Riders Briefing

Entry to Track Two is through the new Main Entrance as shown on the map below. This is our first event at this new facility and we thank you in advance for your assistance and tolerance, should any teething problems arise.

We have included a Registration Form. It would assist us with on site admin and lap scoring setup if you complete this and post A COPY of this to me “ Brian Morgan, 21 Canterbury Street, Tamatea, Napier” so that they arrive before May 5th.

Remember though, don’t send any money, you only pay on the day.

Then take your original with you to Registration (just in case) and hopefully the day will get under way quicker.

Registration will be from about 8AM, followed by Scrutineering from about 8.30 AM and Riders Briefing at about 9.30AM.

Practice and Race Format
It is intended to still run two practice sessions followed by three races per class. Due to Track Two being significantly longer than the old circuit, it may be necessary to reduce the race duration from six to five laps but this will be checked out and confirmed on the day. Any changes that are made will be in the interests of rider safety and we welcome your comment prior to the event or on the day. We are there to make the day a success for you the rider.

Not so good news:
Since the new half of the track costs more than twice as much to hire than the old half, we are going to have to pass on some of this increased cost to the riders. It’s not the choice we would have liked, but for the May race day, entry will be $80 per rider. Same old rules apply with regard cross entering at no extra cost and still great value for the days racing and learning the new features that Taupo has to offer.

Lunch Time Training Session:
Again we will be running the training rides during the lunch break and still for just $10.00 per rider. This is a great chance for road riders to experience the track under controlled conditions and for Team Mechanics and the like getting some quiet experience on the race bikes. Riders will be split according to machine and rider potential, to keep this a fun learning experience for all. You can register for this during the morning.

Dates for 2006/07
Pencil these dates in your calendar now!

  • November 26th 2006 (Total Circuit – Track 1)
  • January 28th 2007 (Old half of track – Track 3)
  • March 4th 2007 (New half of track – Track 2)
  • April 1st 2007 (New half of track – Track 2)

Note that tracks are indicative, and may change – but this is the current plan!

Check out for more info on the track and its facilities.