Whibley: GNCC Rnd 4

Posted: Tue 18 Apr 2006

Race Report: Round 4 GNCC Series, South Carolina
Team: Moose, Parts Unlimited, Honda Racing Team
Rider: Paul Whibley
Machine: Honda CRF450

Round 4 of the GNCC series was held in South Carolina near a town called Union.

The town really gets behind the race with the Mayor and "Miss Union" at the race.

The track was really tight in the trees with limited passing opportunities. Also dust was a factor during the race. Some sections were first gear with steering lock to lock just to get around the trees.

I got a poor jump off the start line but passed a lot of riders as I went up the inside of turn one. By the time we entered the woods I was in 6th.

The track was even tighter than I imagined and the 450 was a handful in these conditions. I tried to stay relaxed but I got arm pump and dropped back to 13th. After two laps my arms came right and I pushed on.

With about an hour to go, another rider made a risky move, trying to push up the inside going into a left hand corner. He came in way to hot, colliding with me and taking us both down. We jumped back on our bikes, both firing up at the same time. I took off just before the other rider and charged on.

I passed some more riders and ended up in 8th position at the finish, just three seconds off 7th.

On the last lap I had the same lap time as the winner, Juha Salminen.

Next race is at Loretta Lynn's on the 23rd of April.