Josh says thanks...

Posted: Wed 12 Apr 2006

A big thank you to all the people.

Hi everyone.

I want to say a big thank you to all the people who sent me their best wishes and support over the past week. It’s nice to know so many people appreciate my racing! I thought I’d let you know that my surgery went well although there was more damage than we expected.

I broke my capsule off and Dr. Claes found that piece in my bicep muscle while he was operating! The tears in my cuff were bigger than first thought but the good news is it’s all back together and should be fine. I am not in any pain now and it’s feeling pretty good. I’m in a sling right now and I am scheduled to see Toon (the Doc) in 2 weeks where I hope to lose the sling and start physio.

In Zolder we had a meeting together with my physio, surgeon, trainer and team so my recovery is all planned out. I can start cycling at the gym this week which is cool as I’m very bored right now and since being home I haven’t done a lot really! Well that’s not entirely true – I’ve watched TV a lot and eaten and slept loads – heavy days!

This past weekend I watched moto GP on TV. On Saturday, Rossi showed the boys how it’s done - it was a good race. I like Nicky Hayden and he did well so that was cool. Sunday I watched a famous cycling race called Paris-Roubaix. It’s 6 hours long and is really gruelling for the riders as they ride on cobblestones for a good part of the race! The lead group was split in half in the last 12k because of a train! The leader and two others made it across before the train reached the crossing but 3 guys didn’t (Tom Boonen was one of those three).. George Hincapie’s handle bars collapsed on the cobbles and he hit the dirt in a big way. It was a really great race to watch.

Bellpuig is next up this weekend. I’m undecided if I should go to the GP. I mean I’ll be bored if I stay home but then again watching really sucks but you can learn a lot from it. I booked the ticket months ago so that’s not a problem. Will make the call later in the week.

Many people have asked me what my thoughts were of Zolder. Well, it wasn’t too good to watch. MX2 was exciting but the depth isn’t as good in MX1 as it was in the past. We miss Smets, Pichon and BT. The Spanish GP should be better racing as the track is easier and the nerves won’t be as high – at least I hope so because I’m a spectator right now and I want to see some heart wrenching adrenalin thumping racing!

Well that’s it for now. Keep it real and thanks again for your support.

JC #2