Posted: Sun 18 Jul 1999

LIZZIE -‘the wood girl’ from Tongue, North Scotland - searches for untraceable Kiwi JOHN - ‘THE BRONZE AGE BOY ON A MOTORBIKE’ (from a Lake Rotoaira farm perhaps?!) ….please can you help?!?

My name is Lizzie and I am trying to get back in touch with JOHN from Lake Rotoaira / Tongariro National Park area. I know this might sound like I\'m asking for a miracle (as unfortunately I didn\'t manage to get his surname - ooops!!); but I would love to see him again so I was hoping that you might be able to help. ( if anyone can narrow the search down from the information given that is)….and by the way tall, dark and handsome really is an accurate description… I\'m sure there\'s lots of you Kiwis out there but there is only one JOHN…please get in touch …P.S… John has a brother who worked with stained glass… a clue??!!?

I think his family live in the northern part of the Tongariro National Park, possibly on a farm, not far from Lake Rotoaira ~ or maybe closer to Ruapehu !!?? We met in Scotland in July 1996, at a ceilidh on the Kyle of Tongue on the far north coast of the highlands, where I was living.  John was riding (apparently ) a very fast motorbike and disappeared down the west coast of Scotland before I could find out how to contact him again… he had been working on an Iron/Bronze Age Camp down in Kent and was returning to New Zealand in the Autumn ~ or Spring in Kiwi time!… if anyone reading this happens to know John fitting this "description" (age 20 - 35? tall, dark and handsome) or can help me to get in touch with him again, please E-mail me at or write to:

Liz Guild
c/o 101 Overpark Avenue
Leicester, LE3 1NL
phone U.K:  0181 985 8624

I hope to be able to meet up with John again when I get to New Zealand hopefully before the year 2000.. any help will really be appreciated. THANKS!