MOMCC Summer Trial, Jan 15th 2006

Posted: Wed 25 Jan 2006

The results of round two of the Summer Series point to the fact that we set the sections a wee bit on the hard side, or was everyone still in holiday mode. Warrick George and myself set out ten sections on Brills’ farm up Forest Hill Road and it’s all Warricks’ fault. I said,”Warrick, make them dead easy”, but do young fella’s today listen to their elders.

We set 10 sections on dirt/clay banks under macrocarpa, pine and poplar trees with a few tree roots in the mix. In fact the ground was so dry and powdery in places it was easy to break traction and the strong norwest winds didn’t help in some sections. More than once the wind blew me off line although it was only a couple of sections that the wind affected.

Warren and Luke were taking harder lines in the Expert sections although we hadn’t marked separate Expert A lines, hence their results are higher than they could have been. Jake Whitaker rode Expert and there is no doubt he will be a future champion (if the usual teenage distractions don’t sidetrack him too much). The same goes for Warrick George as he’s improving with every ride too. (I was just joking about it being your fault Warrick).

The third round of the Summer Series is in Taranaki on February 5th.
