Whibz 2nd in Fast Eddy Series

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2005

update from John Shirt

Yesterday was the final round of the 2005 Fast Eddy Race Series @ Culham near Oxford. RYAN VOASE is the new Pro Class Champion with GAS GAS UK rider, PAUL WHIBLEY finising second.

After the penultimate round i was lead to believe that ALL five rounds were to count towards each overall championship as it (still) states on the organisers website.

This meant that Whibz had a 17 point lead with only one round to go, so the championship win was nearly insight. HOWEVER, i was since made aware that the Pro Class could actually drop one round so that meant that if both Paul and Ryan dropped their worst results (Paul 3rd and Ryan D.N.F) then Whibz had only then got a 2 point lead over Ryan with this last race to go, so the Championship was down to this last race and we all knew it !!

The actual event was superb, with a ten minute lap of fast, demanding going. I have been to every FAST EDDY race since they started and i don't think there has been a closer race! Both Ryan and Paul were welded together for the whole 2h 45mins and they both rode their balls off from flag to flag!

We all waited to see who would be first out of the trees on the last lap and when i saw 'green' come out first we all knew that Whibz was beat.

Ryan crossed the line first, won the race, and clinched the Championship by 1 point from a VERY disappointed Paul Whibley.

I was personally in mixed emotions after the race because both Paul and Ryan had rode a very hard race and of course there has to be a winner. Naturally i was disappointed that Paul was beaten but nevetheless Ryan fully deserved that race win. Ryan has matured into a superb 'multilap' racer and he has impressed me with his progress this year. With regards to the Championship i am very disappointed. Whibz has lost the championship by one point.

If all rounds were counted then he would be the clear winner by 19 points. Paul has finished all 5 races, finishing on the podium at every round.He has done his job for GAS GAS for sure. He has proven to everyone that the GAS GAS EC250 is a reliable and winning machine. Paul is extremely commited to his racing and he always gives 100%. I couldn't have asked for anymore from Whibz during this championship and i personally congratulate him.

Moving on to the Clubman race in the morning, the nerves were certainly jangling with GAS GAS rider, Stu Day having a 1 point lead in the championship over Jamie Paget. Both riders knew they had to beat each other to win the championship and when Stu got his 5th holeshot of the year i knew he was up for it!

Stu rode a perfect race to beat Jamie and win the 2005 Clubman Open 2 stroke Championship! With his newly born son, eight days ago, this was a fantastic day for all and he deserves this championship BIGTIME! Welldone bud!

Whibz' next event is WESTON BEACH RACE this coming Sunday. Look out for No;15 on the beach, because you will see a very determined GG rider!!