Warren Laugesen In Oz Trial

Posted: Mon 05 Sep 2005

Kiwi’s Set to steal Ozzies Thunder as Scorpa Announces its Super Trial Team New Scorpa boss Paul Arnott has announced that five time New Zealand, and twice Australian, Champion Warren Laugesen and past Australian Champion and Trials de Nations representative, Kevin Zarczynski will ride for Scorpa in the upcoming International Super Trial to be held on November 5 & 6 at Sedgwick in Vic.

Warren has rained on the Australian parade in the past when he took the Australian Championship trophy back to NZ in 1999 and again in 2002. Many thought him very unlucky not to have repeated the feat in Queensland in 2000. Some people believe a change of finish time part way through the event cost him victory.

Any thought of a partisan crowd playing against him in this event can also be put to rest as Warren is bringing his own cheer squad. A touring group of up to thirty trials crazy Kiwi’s will be coming to the event to support their man. The kiwi’s are renowned for their vocal and enthusiastic support of their sportsmen and a traditional Haka as his opponents enter each section is quite possible.

Kevin, who won the Australian Championship in 1992 and 1997 (& was first Ozzie home in three more) and represented Australia at the TdN for eight years between 1994 and 2001, is still considered by some to be in the top five riders in the country. Recent results at NSW State Championship rounds show that they may be quite right.

Kevin normally rides for team Sherco but Sherco team manager Don Murray has recognized the importance of having the best riders possible at this historic Australian first event and given Kevin permission to ride for Scorpa.

Warren and Kevin will make a very formidable team as they join their two international team mates to vie for the Australian MotoTrials Manufacturers Trophy. This trophy will be awarded to the manufacturer’s team who’s four riders, two Internationals and two Australasians, score the lowest total points lost over the two days.

They will also be competing against each other, and the eight other Australasian riders, for the First Australasian Trophy and $500 prize money, awarded to the Australasian rider with the lowest total points lost over the two days.

More information on the event which, will feature ten of the World’s best trials riders, can be found in the related articles below and the soon to be launched event web site www.supertrials.com.au or from the event co-ordinator on 03 5439 6333.